___ ____ ____ _________________________________ ____ ____ _ \ \ / \ \ / \ \ / \ oo Temple of the Twisted oo / \ / \ \ / \ \ / \ /\ \ /\ \ /\ \ /\ The Official Mobius /\ \ /\ \ /\ \ / \__\/ \__\/ \__\/ \_______Mailing List______/ \__\/ \__\/ \__\/ <<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>> ** __ __ ______ ______ __ __ __ ______ ** * * /\ "-./ \ /\ __ \ /\ -- \ /\ \ /\ \/\ \ /\ ___\ * * * * \ \ \-./\ \\ \ \/\ \\ \ __< \ \ \\ \ \_\ \\ \___ \ * * * * \ \_\ \ \_\\ \_____\\ \_____\\ \_\\ \_____\\/\_____\ * * * * \/_/ \/_/ \/_____/ \/_____/ \/_/ \/_____/ \/_____/ * * ** ** <<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>> Hello again from the Depths of Humanity! Awaken fellow Mobii, for it is time to shake the cobwebs and prepare yourself for another onslaught of the most original music metal has to offer.... See for yourself as MIKE slaps string after string on his bass, shaking the very ground your warped and twisted soul stands on.... Watch in awe as CHET hammers the six strings of dementia, wreaking havoc with your senses.... Feel the power as IRA slams each skin of doom, paralyzing you with each thump of a drum.... Hear the pain as SAM delivers shreiks of intensity and glares of death, taking your mind into a new dimension of thought and agony... See all this at B&V Lounge tonight (08/08/97). 930 Walden Ave Right next to the Buffalo Drum Outlet! Be there....or be doomed! 18 and over permitted Craig Sutton ___________________________ _____________________________________ / Mobius Management \ / Mobius Information \ | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | Craig Sutton c/o CRS Music | Email: aq661@freenet.buffalo.edu | | 2277 South Park Avenue | Website: http://www.yrbook.com/mobius | | Buffalo, New York 14220 | Phone: (716) 693-3122 | \___________________________/ \_____________________________________/