_ ____ ____ _________________________________ ____ ____ _ \ \ / \ \ / \ \ / \ oo Temple of the Twisted oo / \ / \ \ / \ \ / \ /\ \ /\ \ /\ \ /\ The Official Mobius /\ \ /\ \ /\ \ / \__\/ \__\/ \__\/ \_______Mailing List______/ \__\/ \__\/ \__\/ <<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>> ** __ __ ______ ______ __ __ __ ______ ** * * /\ "-./ \ /\ __ \ /\ -- \ /\ \ /\ \/\ \ /\ ___\ * * * * \ \ \-./\ \\ \ \/\ \\ \ __< \ \ \\ \ \_\ \\ \___ \ * * * * \ \_\ \ \_\\ \_____\\ \_____\\ \_\\ \_____\\/\_____\ * * * * \/_/ \/_/ \/_____/ \/_____/ \/_/ \/_____/ \/_____/ * * ** ** <<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>> yo Mobii...after a long delay I (Ira) am indeed back. My dissertation is going well, but I miss my creative "outlet." In the meantime, we have yet another Mobius-approved show with Mobius this week. YEP, THIS WEEK, ON FRIDAY. THAT MEANS AUGUST *8* This time we're playing B&V Lounge with Hookatube, us, and Cadense. The show starts about 9PM. B&V Lounge is located on Walden Avenue just past Buffalo Drum Outlet (930 Walden - no, I can't remember the address, but since it's _right next door_ to BDO, you can't miss it) We hope you can make it....which reminds me....ever just wish for stuff off the top of your head? Like wishing people come out this Friday? Well, here are the... Top Ten Things Mobius Wishes To Hear ==================================== 10. "Hi, this is Steve Johnson. I deleted all my band links and just left yours. Able Al convinced me." 9. "The Industry of Life Design's lesbian dancers will be performing at all Mobius concerts. They promise not to beat up Ira again." 8. "Hello, is this Ira? This is Asher - you were right, dude, Sharon sucks." 7. "Mobius never makes mistakes." 6. "The world was shocked today when thousands of `Alternative' musicians spontaneously combusted. Rumors abound as to the cause or causes as this tragic event remains a mystery. However, recent reports have surfaced linking a heavy-metal band, MOBIUS, to a pact with Satan, but the band could not be reached for comment...." 5. "Why are so many women taking their tops off while we play? Next thing you know they'll be throwing their panties at us... hey Mike, look out!" 4. "Where the hell are we going to fit all your fans? You should play a bigger club...here's $500. Play somewhere else!" 3. "This is MTV news. Heavy-metal rockers `Metallica' will be hitting the road this year _opening_ for that hottest new metal act, MOBIUS. We caught up with James Hetfield, and here's what he had to say: "Well, we caught these guys live at this place called `B&V Lounge' in Buffalo, and we realized what a bunch of wusses we've become. How could we ever compare to such greatness? We bow at their feet...." 2. "The Journal of Women's Health reports that researchers have discovered that semen ingestion increases a woman's life span by 25 years. Researchers note that consumption must occur on a daily basis by `oral methods.'" and the number one thing we might wish for.... 1. "Hey guys, this is the band Grin. We're sorry we suck. Please forgive us." For Mobius, wishful thinking, Ira ps: someone please email sju@acsu.buffalo.edu, and mention she'll be living a bit longer ;-) ___________________________ _____________________________________ / Mobius Management \ / Mobius Information \ | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | Craig Sutton c/o CRS Music | Email: aq661@freenet.buffalo.edu | | 2277 South Park Avenue | Website: http://www.yrbook.com/mobius | | Buffalo, New York 14220 | Phone: (716) 693-3122 | \___________________________/ \_____________________________________/