___ ____ ____ ____ ___________________ ____ ____ ____ _ \ \ / \ \ / \ \ / \ \ / oo RICHARD oo \ / \ \ / \ \ / \ \ / /\ \ /\ \ /\ \ /\ \ The Official Mobius \ /\ \ /\ \ /\ \ \__\/ \__\/ \__\/ \__\____Mailing List____/\/ \__\/ \__\/ \__\/ <<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>> ** __ __ ______ ______ __ __ __ ______ ** * * /\ "-./ \ /\ __ \ /\ -- \ /\ \ /\ \/\ \ /\ ___\ * * * * \ \ \-./\ \\ \ \/\ \\ \ __< \ \ \\ \ \_\ \\ \___ \ * * * * \ \_\ \ \_\\ \_____\\ \_____\\ \_\\ \_____\\/\_____\ * * * * \/_/ \/_/ \/_____/ \/_____/ \/_/ \/_____/ \/_____/ * * ** ** <<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>> Yo Mobii - it's going to be an exciting May with all the shows we've lined up for you this month. This Sunday, Mobius takes part in the Western New York Music fest with a show at 8PM at The Continental with a bunch of other cool bands. What better time slot could you get than that? We repeat, SUNDAY MAY 4 at The Continental at 8PM. In other Mobius news, Ira has sworn to celibacy due to his recent affair with Sharon. All engaged women are hereby requested by MOBIUS to leave poor Ira alone. However, single women are encouraged to help change Ira's mind ;-) A little persuasion goes a long way.... We also wish Chet a belated Happy Birthday for his b'day on April 30. Single women who don't like Ira's beard are encouraged to send b'day greetings to 837-0723. See? Plenty of opportunities here to date rock stars! Stay tuned for more exciting details of Mobius shows and lurid affairs. the search goes on, MOBIUS /======================================================================\ | "Passin' through to the other side, Pulled along by a darker tide... | | Washing up on the Shores Insane - Venom pumping through your veins!" | \======================================================================/