Able Al's(tm) Ultimate Web Site
Page Design, Programming, Search Engine Placement

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Four ways to Internet success with Able Al's(tm):
Option 1 (Premium) -
If you would like assistance in designing your own site and then putting it on the Internet, we can help you.  Hosting is $35.00 a year for your Domain Name (ie. Registration (with hosting service established at time of registration) and $35/month (a one year, $420.00 total amount obligation due up front) for 20 GB web site space,
1,000 GB Transfer, 2000 Email Accounts, 50 MySQL Databases, Unlimited Email Forwards, Forums, Blogging, Photo Galleries, no ads. For an additional $14.00 per month, we can provide a secure page on your Web Site for transmitting private information (such as credit card numbers) and include support for CGI-Scripts and Active Server Pages requiring SSL.  In addition, Able Al's(tm) can program your site for you for only $35/ hour. Also, provided at no additional cost is a free listing/ link in Business Directory for as long as we continue to maintain your web site.   The Able Al's is advertised daily in the Syracuse Newspapers.

Option 2 (Standard) -
Hosting on a low cost server
which includes 5 GB Space, 250 GB Transfer, 500 Email Accounts, 10 MySQL Databases, 50 Email Forwards, Forums, Blogging, Photo Galleries, no ads.  This costs a one time set up fee of $10.00 and then $12.00 per month (with one year $154.00 total amount obligation up front).  The cost for a Domain Name is $35.00 a year.  Able Al's(tm) can program your site for you for only $40/ hour.  Also, provided at no additional cost is a free listing/ link in Business Directory for as long as we continue to maintain your web site.   The YRBOOK.COM is advertised daily in the Syracuse Newspapers.

Option 3 (Economy) -
Able Al's(tm) Computer Help can design a one page web site
(ie. for your business which includes 380,000+ search engine submittals four times, 3 scanned graphic images, colored background or wallpaper, your provided text up to 250 words, optional free monthly newsletter update from you via e-mail, listing in Business Directory, plus 1st month listing on Homepage:
1 full year on the site for only $120.00.
Additional web pages only $50.00 each.
Web site updates only $35.00 per hour from Able Al's (tm).

Note:  If you live in NYS, as of January 1st 2016, sales tax is required for all web services.

Search Engine Placement
Able Al's(tm) can successfully place your existing site into 380,000+ search engines for only $49.99 per four submissions (once every 3 months) or $120.00 per twelve submissions (once a month every month for one full year).   There is no set up fee.  Payment is made prior to initial search engine placement.   While this can not guarantee high search engine placement it certainly improves your Internet presence.   Submissions normally take four to six weeks to take effect once posted.   High search engine placement can take up to six months to take effect.  This service is best used in combination with having underlying programming improvements administered by Able Al's(tm).

The Able Al's Advantage -
- No monthly maintenance fee.
- Updates done with what you want when you want it.
- Personalized service.  We will be glad to work with you on your custom web site content creation.
- No long-term commitment.  If you want someone else to do your web site for you at any time or you want to change things yourself you can.
- Placement in YRBOOK.COM business directory.
"Remember - A business with no web site is a sign of no business."

We also do internal websites (Intranets) for businesses. Please call us at (315) 440-1024 to set up an appointment or e-mail
Able Al's Computer Help .

Click here for your additional Advertising Opportunities.

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Call us at
(315) 440-1024 for the best service in Central New York. previous
Web Design is a skill.

"Oh, we're doing just great.  Phillip and
I are selling decorative jelly jars on the
Web.  I run the web site and Phillip sort
of controls the inventory."

You can reach us by e-mail at: Able Al's Computer Help

Last updated 02/12/2007.

Copyright 1995 -2016 Able Al's(TM). All rights reserved.